Supplements for Frequent UTIs

 Disclosure: There are some affiliate links below, and our practice may receive commissions for purchases made through the links in the post, but these are products we highly recommend. Each type of product has research studies to back up their use and have helped many women.

Cranberry Pills

When getting a cranberry supplement, find one with 36 PACs per day- Theracran is one of the only affordable brands that has lab confirmed amounts of the active ingredient- highly recommend!


This supplement acts by blocking bacteria’s ability to attack your bladder cells. 2,000 mg of D-Mannose daily has been shown to reduce the risk of bladder infections. You can also use 2,000 mg twice a day when you have an active infection to reduce pain symptoms!

Cranberry + D-Mannose

We recommend using both Cranberry and D-Mannose daily for the best protection from bladder infections.


Vaginal Probiotics

The vagina and the bladder share a large number of the same normal bacteria as part of the biome. When the levels of good bacteria (like Lactobacillus) are lower, women get more UTIs. Vaginal probiotics (suppositories that go in the vagina instead of by mouth) have been shown to decrease the risk of bladder infections by reestablishing the good bacteria inside the vagina.

Antibacterial Wipes

For women with problems with bowel control or when all else fails, daily antibacterial wipes can be used at the opening of the vagina and urethra to decrease the amount of bacteria in the area. These wipes can be used 1-2 times a day to lower the risk of infection.