Managing urinary leakage after childbirth and beyond

Stop the Leak.

Urinary stress incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine associated with laugh, sneeze, cough and physical activity and most often starts after childbirth. In some cases urine loss can also occur with sexual activity. These symptoms can be very embarrassing and can affect a women’s quality of life, causing her to avoid activities that she previously enjoyed. Women often keep these symptoms private, unaware that there are many medical and surgical options for treating this condition.

Losing weight, keeping you bladder empty by urinating every 2-4 hours, stopping smoking and learning “the knack” are simple ways to reduce your risk of leaking urine.

There are medical and surgical options to improve or cure this type of leakage.

  1. Kegels or pelvic floor exercises: Smartphone apps can send reminders or biofeedback devices can help you train your pelvic floor at home.

  2. Pelvic floor physical therapy: There are physical therapists for your pelvis!

  3. Vaginal pessary: Bladder support devices can help you avoid leaks and are worn inside the vagina.

  4. Surgeries: Bulking the urethra with collagen or a hydrogel, mesh midurethal slings, Burch suspensions or fascial slings are more permanent options for stress incontinence.


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